REACH Director Presents Paper, Keynote at CLS Conference


08 February 2021

Refugee REACH founder and director Sarah Dryden-Peterson of HGSE participated in the Curriculum Reform Conference 2021, which took place January 29-30 and February 05, 2021. This year’s theme was Rethinking the Curriculum in Lebanon and the Arab World: Reconciliating Ideologies and Pedagogies.

The conference sought to unpack existing ideologies that inform current education policies in the Arab world, and engage in a dialogue around the various philosophies that are driving curriculum reforms.

Video recordings of her paper presentation, “Connecting Pasts, Presents, & Futures: History Teaching & Inequalities in South Africa, 1998 & 2019,” and keynote address, “By the State but not For the State: History Education in Settings of Forced Migration,” are available on Facebook Live.

This virtual event was co-hosted by the Centre for Lebanese Studies, the Lebanese American University, the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies, and Open Society Foundations.

Click here to learn more.

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