The Futures of Education for Participation in 2050: Educating for Managing Uncertainty and Ambiguity

In this background paper for the Futures of Education initiative, authors Helen Haste and Vidur Chopra (Refugee REACH co-founder) argue that developing the capacities to manage ambiguity and change are critical to enabling membership and participation within societies in the future.


The authors draw on three examples: migration, communication and technology, and the ruptures brought about by climate change to illustrate key ideas about the management of change through education. They recommend that civic education can be constructively adapted to engage with these ideas by recognizing the power inherent in narratives, counter-narratives, utopias, and dystopias as pedagogic and relational tools in education.

Read "The futures of education for participation in 2050: Educating for managing uncertainty and ambiguity" by Helen Haste & Vidur Chopra (2020). This paper was commissioned for the UNESCO Futures of Education report (forthcoming, 2021).