NISSEM, Teachers College Webinars on Futures of Education
Refugee REACH co-founder Vidur Chopra of Teachers College presented his research, together with Helen Haste of the University of Bath, during a two-part webinar series held on December 11, 2020 and January 07, 2021.
The theme was “On the Futures of Education: Civic Responsibility, Pedagogy, & Textbooks in a Time of Rapid Change.” Both events were co-organized by NISSEM and Teachers College, Columbia University, in partnership with UNESCO’s Futures of Education Initiative.
REACH co-founder Vidur Chopra shares his work with Helen Haste during the online event co-hosted by NISSEM and Teachers College, Columbia University on December 11, 2020.
A second event took place on January 07, 2021, in which REACH co-founder Vidur Chopra presented his research with Helen Haste.
The Futures of Education initiative aims to rethink education’s role in shaping the future amidst rapid change and increasing complexity. These webinars presented key points from select background papers commissioned by the initiative. Attendees were asked to think about:
How is change conceptualized in different parts of the world?
How, if at all, should be profoundly rethink education & learning?
What is the role of curricula & textbooks in preparing for ambiguous futures?
Other presenters included Michele Schweisfurth, Andy Smart, Aaron Benavot, and James Williams. The events were moderated by Noah Sobe. Mahboob Morshed and Enrique Chaux served as discussants.